
首页 /就业服务

MECC’s 职业服务 provides current online and onsite services, 其中包括, exploring and planning careers, acquiring employability skills, accessing job 搜索 resources to students, 校友, and faculty as well as to employers and the community.





It is important that you fully answer questions on an application. Complete the application in reverse chronological order (education and experience). You want the employer to see the most recent information first, use action verbs and focus on the skills you gained rather than routine responsibilities.

A resume is a document designed to introduce your professional self to your employer. Your resume should be tailored to each individual position you apply for. 通过查看你的简历, the employer can evaluate your organizational skills, review your written communication, and gauge your attention to detail. Be sure to use an easy to read and unique format and utilize action verbs to describe your duties.

实现 采取了行动 激活 改编
管理 建议 辅助 分配
分析了 应用 评价 批准
安排 组装 评估 分配
撰写 经审计的 平衡 宣传
带来了 预算 计算 进行了
主持 澄清 分类 指导
收集 沟通 编译 完成
计算 构思 概念化 进行了
简约 合并 控制 相信
对应 建议 创建 评论
处理 决定 定义 委托
证明了 描述 设计 确定
诊断 导演 派出 设计了
赢得了 编辑 受过教育的 消除
启用 鼓励 执行 增强
招募 建立了 估计 评估
执行 解释 扩大 加快
捏造的 促进 熟悉 成形
预测 形成 制定 培养
聚集 生成的 引导 处理
确认 说明 实现 改进的
增加 影响 通知 发起
检查 启发 指示 解释
介绍了 发明了 调查 推出了
领导 上市 听着 维护
销售 掌握了 介导的 主持
监控 动机 谈判 观察到的
有组织的 概述了 检修 监督
执行 说服 开创了 计划
说服 收到了 推荐 协调
提出了 优先 生产 预计
提供 发表 宣传 购买
加工过的 编程 提升 记录
重新评估, 被称为 恢复 拒绝了
修理 代表 重组 报道
解决 恢复 检索 团聚
修改后的 充满活力 计划 筛选
服务 设定目标 设置 出售
牵头 指定的 说话 刺激
加强 结构化 总结了 监督
超过了 调查 列表 有针对性的
测试 训练有素的 增加了两倍
翻译 升级 更新 曼联
验证 验证 自愿 写了

Think of a cover letter as a written introduction. A cover letter should be written as a formal letter including return address, 日期, address of employer and greeting. Following your paragraphs, be sure to end the letter with a salutation.

开篇: State why you are writing how you learned of the position and basic information about you.

Consider answering the following questions in your introduction paragraph:

  1. What position are you applying for?

  2. What makes you most qualified for the position?

  3. Why are you a good fit for the position?

  4. What makes you interested in the position/career field?

  5. How will this position help you reach your career goals?


第二段: Tell WHY You are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does. Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position.

Consider answering these questions within the body of your cover letter:

  1. Why are you interested in the position?

  2. Why will you be successful in the position?

  3. What makes you interested in the position/career field?

  4. How will this position help you reach your career goals?


  1. Why are you interested in this company?

  2. How do the values/mission of this company align with your values/mission?

  3. What do you know about this company that makes you interested in working here?

  4. What is the reputation of the company and does that impact your interest in working here?


  • Use a combination of the above questions to write the body of your cover letter. Use this paragraph to explain in more detail relevant information from your resume. 要具体. Do not just state that you are qualified but tell the potential employer WHY you are qualified.



第三段: Indicate that you welcome the opportunity to interview for the position or speak with the employer. State that you would be glad to provide any additional information needed. Thank the employer for their time and consideration.

Keep in mind a paragraph is 5 sentences. All addresses should be single spaced. You can match the heading of your 重新开始 to the top of your 求职信. 再一次。, the 求职信 will be used to review your written communication skills; be sure to proofread!

Being prepared for an interview will give you a better chance of being selected for the position. Before going into an interview be sure to review the job posting that you have applied for as well as the resume and cover letter you submitted. This will refresh your memory on the requirements of the position as well as how you meet those requirements before going in. Focus on your professional self when interviewing, this is the time to be “selfish” and speak only of yourself, 而不是你的家人. If the employer asks that you describe yourself, 专注于你的教育, the skills you have gained through employment, volunteering or classroom experiences, future degrees you hope to pursue, accomplishments you have made, certifications you have gained, 等. 有信心. Be sure to have good questions to ask the employer. 例如? –

  1. What is the projected start 日期 for the position?

  2. What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this position?

Following an interview, always send a 感谢信 to the employer. This will allow you the opportunity to follow up on any information you want to reiterate as well as thank them for their time once again. Sending a 感谢信 can make you stand out above the other applicants.

For Further Information Contact:

尼基安德森– 276-523-9105


Holton Hall – Student Services Suite Hours: 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m., Monday-Friday

3441  Mountain Empire Road 大石峡,VA 24219