Campus Police

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Dial 911 In An Emergency

For safety and security concerns: Dial 276.523.7473.

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Sign up for text alerts 接收计划变更公告和紧急警报.

Report an Unsafe Condition

Department of Public Safety & Campus Police

Godwin Hall, Room 153, Parking Lot A Entrance


Contact Campus Police





Grayson Cothron, Chief of Police or


Godwin Hall, Room 153

Robert Grider, Police Officer


Godwin Hall, Room 153

Jordan Baker, Police Officer


Godwin Hall, Room 153

James McDonough, Campus Security Officer

276.523.7473 or 276.207.1171



Police personnel are available seven days per week. 警务人员均为持证执法及公共安全主任,并每年接受进修训练.


Anyone who has knowledge of a threat of violence, a crime, or any other safety concern, should fill out and submit an MECC Incident Report Form. 你也可以拨打276报警.523.7473号或亲身到葛温堂153室向当值主任递交. 每个教室都有报告紧急情况的电话, hallway, and the main entrance to each building.

Campus Police Mission Statement

校园警察致力于提供一个没有暴力的安全环境, threats, harassing, and/or disruptive behavior. 对违反学校政策的威胁或行为进行调查,并采取适当措施保护学生, employees and the public.

MECC Annual Security Report 2023

高等教育机会法(公法110-315)修订了珍妮·克勒利校园安全政策披露和校园犯罪统计法案(克勒利法案). 由美国大学出版的《靠谱的买球网站》.S. 教育部(ED)规定了遵守克莱利法案的要求. 一般来说,克莱利法案要求高等教育机构:

  • 收集、分类和统计犯罪报告和犯罪统计.
  • Issue campus alerts. 为校园社区提供必要的信息,以便对他们的健康和安全做出明智的决定, you must:
    • 对任何对学生或员工的安全构成持续威胁的《推荐几个靠谱的买球网站》犯罪行为及时发出警告;
    • 在确认校园内发生对学生或员工的健康或安全构成直接威胁的重大紧急情况或危险情况时,发出紧急通知.
    • 发表一份年度保安报告,其中包括与安全和保安有关的政策声明和犯罪统计数据,并分发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站所有在职学生和员工. 学校还必须告知未来的学生和员工报告的可用性.
    • 靠谱的买球网站犯罪统计的监管要求在《靠谱的买球网站》第3章中讨论,靠谱的买球网站年度安全报告的监管要求在《靠谱的买球网站》第7-9章中讨论.
    • Submit crime statistics to ED. 每年秋天,你必须参与一个基于网络的数据收集,按类型披露犯罪统计数据, location and year.


  • Criminal Offenses—Criminal Homicide, 包括:a)谋杀和非过失杀人, and b) Negligent Manslaughter; Sex Offenses including: a) Forcible, and b) Non-forcible; Robbery; Aggravated Assault; Burglary; Motor Vehicle Theft; and Arson.
  • Hate Crimes—Any of the above-mentioned offenses, and any incidents of Larceny-Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation, or Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property that were motivated by bias; and 1 The 2008 HEOA regulations expanded the list of hate crime statistics to be included in Clery Act statistical disclosures.
  • 对武器的逮捕和纪律处分:携带,拥有等., Drug Abuse Violations and Liquor Law Violations.

过去三年的校园犯罪统计数据包括发生在大学校园的犯罪信息, 在紧邻校园的公共区域, and at certain non-campus locations. The current report is available at MECC Annual Security Report 2023. 打印的副本可根据要求联系校园警察在276.523.7473. 在正常工作时间内,向校园警察报告的每日犯罪记录可供公众查阅.

 Emergency Response Procedures

校园里的每个教室和办公室都张贴着描述紧急情况程序和对校园常见紧急情况的反应的海报. 所有学生和员工应复习紧急疏散程序, lockdown, 去紧急避难所熟悉他们特定位置的既定程序.

Emergency Notifications

在紧急事件或情况下,大学社区可以通过几种方式得到通知. 紧急通知将使用多种方法发送, 这可能因事件或情况而异, to best inform students, employees and visitors. Notifications may be delivered by:

  • Alarms or Sirens
  • 短信(必须注册才能接收MECC的短信)
  • E-mail (students and employees)
  • Broadcast messages over the MECC telephone system
  • 在学院网站和/或社交媒体上发布
  • In person
  • Electronic message boards on campus


对校园社区造成持续威胁的情况, 将及时提供警告,让个人采取行动和预防措施来保护自己. Warnings will be delivered by text message, e-mail, 并通过在学院网站和社交媒体上发帖.

Personal Safety

Minimize your risk by following these guidelines:

  • Do not prop outside doors open.
  • 天黑后不要独自从校园大楼走到停车场. (Call campus police at 276.523.7473 for an escort if necessary)
  • 不要让钱包、书包或其他贵重物品打开或无人看管.
  • 避免在晚上或周末独自在校园里工作或学习.
  • Keep car doors and windows locked.
  • 注意你周围的环境,发现不寻常的人或事要及时报告.
  • If you See Something – Say Something. 如果你看到可疑或担心的事情,通知校园警察.

 Virginia Sex Offender Registry

2000年的联邦校园性犯罪预防法案要求所有大学发布一份声明,告知校园社区可以从哪里获得登记在案的性犯罪者的信息. The Virginia State Police Web Site 提供有关已登记性犯罪者的资料.